Privacy Policy

Effective since May 25th 2018

1. Introduction

The confidentiality and security of the personal information of users of our site is a priority for us. We are constantly and actively committed to maintaining this goal at a very high level.

On this page you will find our complete privacy policy with which we want to inform you in a clear and transparent manner on how some of your personal data is collected, processed and transmitted at different levels when you interact directly with the site or when the use of certain tools.

2. What data do we collect (purpose of processing and storage)

Our site collects and processes your personal data only to provide you with content online with your profile and to perform functionality for which you interact with our site.

In all cases, your data is collected and used for legitimate, correct and transparent purposes.

In general (and unless otherwise indicated), if consent is not provided, it may not be possible to provide you with certain services.

specifically :

a) Automatic technical data

When you visit our site, certain usage data such as cookie values, the IP address to which you are connected, the type of browser used, the operating system, the pages visited during browsing, the frequency with which you visit different pages, url and country of origin can be collected and processed to analyze traffic and record any navigation errors. This data is normally recorded in the server system logs.

b) Registration data

When you register for services provided by our site (by giving us explicit consent to the processing of personal data for specific purposes and by accepting this privacy policy), we ask you for Required information such as your username, password (which will be encrypted), your email address. In any case, we only save the data requested in the registration form.

This data is used to create your personal account and to perform all back-office functions related to ?? members so that we can use them to provide services reserved for registered users, whether they are directly usable on the site (to display the sections and content reserved for your member profile) or in other forms (for example sending a membership card or invitation to events).

When registering on our site, there may also be in the form other optional information that you can decide to provide voluntarily. These are treated in the same way as mandatory information.

Certain personal information may be publicly displayed on the site for information, community creation and / or self-promotion for the member. By accepting this privacy policy, you authorize this use, always within the limits of legality and accuracy.

In case of registration on behalf of third parties, whoever completes the form, guarantees having the right to communicate or disclose this data, and to act as ?? Responsible for Data and bears responsibility towards third parties.

c) Contact forms

When you fill out an online form to contact us or to request tailor-made information (explicit agreement), the data you provide us directly is used to process your request and respond to it in detail. In this case, your data is stored on our servers and sent by email to the data manager and / or the data controller who will use it to meet specific needs. They will keep your data (in any case, always in compliance with this privacy policy), the time necessary to resolve your request.

d) Payment details

When you use services from our site that require payment, some of your data may be transmitted to third-party operators who manage the payment transaction on highly secure servers. The data we transmit is only that relating to your name and the services / products / articles requested. In all cases, this transmission will be limited to the data strictly necessary to process the payment.

Once the payment transaction has been completed or canceled, we may receive additional information from the same third party regarding the payment status and the date of the transaction. For information: we never collect or store credit card identification data on our servers or in our databases.

We invite you to read the specific updated privacy policies on the websites of individual operators to find out how they process your personal data.

e) Analytical data

When you interact with the pages of our website, aggregated and anonymized data are collected via the external Google Analytics tool in order to analyze the most visited sections of the site, the duration and preferences of our visitors. We need this information to help us improve our services.

Google, owner of Google Analytics and other related instruments, uses this data according to its own privacy policy which we invite you to consult ( By accepting this privacy policy and activating specific cookies, you agree to use this function of our site.

3. Storage restriction

Where is the data processed and for how long is it kept?

Your data is stored and processed electronically on storage and memorization systems located in the European Union. The country of storage may be different from the country you are in when you use our site.

We put in place all the most appropriate security measures to prevent illegal access, modification or deletion of your personal data. In the event of personal data leakage through illicit operations or unauthorized access to our servers, we will inform the data owner and the regulator as soon as possible.

In certain specific cases, access to data may be authorized by the data controller to third parties who participate professionally in the management of the content of the site and / or in its technical maintenance as well as in the programming of custom software.

Data is kept for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is processed. By explicitly giving consent to the processing and storage, data may be kept for a longer period, until such consent is revoked.

Certain data in reduced form could be stored for longer periods but only for archiving purposes or to fulfill the functions of the law if necessary.

4. Consent to processing, rectification and revocation

What are your personal data rights and how to exercise them?

The processing of personal data on our part, according to the methods described above, is conditioned by the free expression of your consent. In the pages where this is required, in the forms you fill in to provide us with the data, in managing your member profile, by subscribing to our newsletter, you will always find the clear way of expressing this consent.

If this privacy policy is changed, we will notify you clearly so that you can decide to confirm or withdraw your consent.

a) Right of access

In this privacy policy, we clearly indicate what data we use, but you can also ask what personal data is collected and processed.

b) Right of revocation

You can withdraw your consent to the processing of data previously expressed.

c) Right of rectification

You can request the modification or updating of data concerning you.

d) Right of cancellation

You can request the partial or total cancellation of the data concerning you.

e) Right to object

You can object to the processing of your data for reasons related to your particular situation or you can object to the processing for direct marketing purposes.

f) Right to limitation

You can request, for certain conditions, that the processing of your personal data be limited.

g) Right to portability

You can request to receive your personal data in a structured electronic format in order to transmit it to another data controller.

To exercise each of these rights, you can contact the data protection officer / responsible that you will find in the “Contacts” section of this privacy policy. Specific online forms are also available on which you can activate the procedures for exercising these rights.


You can contact the data protection officer / manager at any time for questions concerning this privacy policy, including the possibility of exercising your rights, at

We will endeavor to respond to your request within a maximum of 15 days.